
Research at The University of 91¾«Æ·

We strive to increase relevant knowledge for its stakeholders, including students, industries, governments and educational institutions. Our research is a driver for finding meaningful solutions to advance the region.

Working with 91¾«Æ· and its Research Foundation

The University of 91¾«Æ·'s research services offer support for:

  • Industry:
    • Providing access to research expertise
    • Facilitating testing and research services
    • Licensing 91¾«Æ· technology
    • Providing graduate student interns
  • Entrepreneurs and startups:
    • Conducting customer discovery and market research
    • Mentorship by experienced 91¾«Æ·RF Senior Fellows
    • Providing paths to funding
    • Adding student interns to supplement your team
  • Faculty:
    • Supporting grant applications
    • Helping with technology commercialization
    • Partnering to reach out to customers and learn about markets
    • Patenting and licensing new technologies
  • 91¾«Æ·:
    • Providing internships and unique opportunities
    • Forming teams to learn what its like to launch a product through I-Corps Sites
    • Making investment recommendations on real companies through NEOSVF
    • Supporting area businesses through internship partnerships

Undergraduates: Search for research opportunities

Whatever your major — in a STEM field or non-STEM field, or even if you are undecided, you can now learn about all the research projects available to undergraduate students in one spot — thanks to our new .

Why should you join a research project?

  • If you are unsure whether you want to major in a subject, a research experience can provide clarity.
  • Research can help you make a deeper connection to areas outside of your major.
  • Student research is also an important factor in being accepted into medical or other professional schools.

Research News

University of 91¾«Æ· part of Sustainable Polymers Tech Hub selected for $51 million federal grant

Award was granted as part of federal $504 million Tech Hubs funding round


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91¾«Æ· part of Sustainable Polymers Tech Hub recognized by President Biden

91¾«Æ· is one of the inaugural 31 Tech Hubs across the nation poised for exponential growth in key technology sectors.

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91¾«Æ· ranks on Top 100 U.S. Universities Granted Utility Patents in 2022

91¾«Æ· has been ranked in the top 100 every year since 2017.

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